
5 Benefits of AI Vision Testing

AI Vision Testing

In the past 4-5 years, technology has moved another level up. We are witnessing a revolution in terms of technological advancements. What used to be a harsh prediction in 2018 today is a reality for many people across the globe.

When it comes to healthcare, tech advancements seem to bring many benefits in almost all fields. Ophthalmology is one of those that are seeing tremendous improvement because of artificially intelligent software help. Apps and items connected provide some outstanding possibilities both to doctors and their patients.

Artificial intelligence is one of those technologies that is going to transform the face of the world entirely in the last couple of decades, and this process is already showing results in some fields. In the field of ophthalmology, there are different benefits, but the main ones are probably the laser surgeries performed on the eyes, which are nearly 99.99% precise.

In this article, we’re going to talk more about one of the fields in which AI shows results – vision impairment testing. AI connected to gadgets that are made for this need, like Heru’s AI vision testing kit, is helping millions of patients to get precise testing results. If you want to know more about the benefits of these AI-driven items in the field of ophthalmology, follow up and see more for yourself.

1. Ability to perform 100% precision testing

The traditional testing is done manually. You probably already did this at least once in your life. Those with actual diagnosed problems need to do it more often and at least once per year. The traditional testing is done by telling the doctor what you see by looking at faraway objects, or with the doctor looking into your eyes with a specialized machine that enlarges your retina.

This is no longer done this way. What you need to do is get one of these AI-driven items and put them on your eyes like you’re wearing high-tech modern glasses coming from the future. The software inside is going to determine to details whether you have some sort of a problem and if you do find out which one is it.

Software like this is nearly unmistakable. It will provide the testing results with 100% precision. If you don’t trust doctors and their opinions, then you will surely trust computers and software that cannot make a mistake. See more about traditional testing and how it can sometimes fail here.

2. Remote testing is common practice with it

With the fast pace we all live in today, it’s normal that you can’t find time for seeing the doctor. If you need to do several separate tests, you’ll surely miss some of them because your ophthalmologist is too far away. This is no longer a problem with the new technology.

The AI vision tests coming through the items we talked about above can be used entirely remotely. The results they gather and confirm are being sent to your doctor automatically and the doctor does not need to see you in person at all. That way, you both save the time of your life, lower the risk of Covid-19 transmission, for example, and achieve a better life balance.

You don’t have to worry about regular checks, or missing an appointment. The app will notify you through your smartphone, and all you’ll have to do is put on the goggles between dinner and going to bed. Of course, this is just an example.

3. No chance for a missed diagnosis

It’s a common mistake in the world of ophthalmology, for a doctor to set one diagnosis, while there’s something else happening inside the patient’s body that the ophthalmologist missed seeing. Computers make no mistakes. The profound software has no chance to make a mistake as it gathers all the data provided directly through the patient’s eyes.

This way, many people will not suffer from heavy conditions and diseases because diagnosis will be precise and set on time. In many situations providing the right diagnose on time is going to save someone’s vision entirely and with it, extend a person’s life for more years. Learn more about artificial intelligence and setting diagnosis on the link:

4. Assists while recovery

While recovering, patients must have regular checks so the doctor can see how the eyes’ recovery progress. These checks need to be done in person, or the patients can wear the vision AI items that are going to assist at the level of medications, and eventually call an emergency and ask you to go to the doctor.

This way of recovery is fantastic as all patients need to do is put on the goggles for a few minutes every day and let the software do a check on them. No unnecessary inconvenience, waiting in lines, traveling from one place to another, or anything else for that matter.

5. Instant record keeping and data access

One of the most amazing things about this type of technology is that it keeps a record of everything it has done every time it was turned on. If the data is entered for all the anamnesis of the patient, the software will always know what to do according to the history provided.

All of this is done within seconds. In many situations, this software can save lives. When it comes to vision, all the regular checks, and tests, instantly go into the database that the software keeps for the patients, which means that there no way for someone to forget to enter something inside and make a mistake later.


As you can see, the technological advancements in medicine and healthcare are already revolutionizing how patient care is done. In the field of ophthalmology, AI vision testing kits are making a tremendous change that will make protection of eyes as easy as possible, letting billions achieve 20/20 vision.

If you’re struggling with your vision, it is time to reconsider how you’re performing your annual testing, and if it is time to implement modern technology in your healthcare routines.

Patrick Seeber
My name is Patrick Seeber. The founder and writer of this website. I write many useful articles on this website.

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